Sunday, January 13, 2013

apa yang saya buat...

............ Apa yg sy buat dengan hantaran2 terdahulu? Ada org buang.. Bagi orang.. Sikit pon xmau amek tau.. Sbb marah sgt mungkin. As for me.. Sy tak buang semua. Ada 2 barang yg smpai kini sy guna. Salah satunya.. Telekung. Yg lain.. Hantaran bukan makanan sy tak banyak. Maka set wangian (jenamanya sy tidak guna) sy minta ibu beri pda anak lelaki jiran yg akan menghantar rombongan merisik. Berkali2 mak nya bertanya.. Betolkah beri ni.. Ibu jawab..ya.. Ambil saja.. Kasut pula sy guna smpai lunyai.. Haha.. Sbb kasut ialah belian sy sndiri. Nah.. Serius tak banyak. Heh.


  1. I wish I know the real story behind this post.Anyway its a sad thing to read.moga u tabah. buktikan u boleh hdup and happy without him , whoever that man was.jgn tunjuk lekeh kata org Perlis..go girl..

  2. Owh. Awalnya kak indamarya komen t.t

    Bertunang atas pilihan family.

    Sy xkenal dia.

    After 3bulan.. Diputuskan cuma mlalui sms. Atas alasan, dia susah nk faham saya n sy jenis xboleh dibawa keluar berdating.

    Haha. 2010. Lama dh kak ;)

    I jnis, this too, shud pass.

  3. Assalamualaikum, salam singgah di sini...somoga semakin ceria.

  4. Hi Alis, Bahasa saya da out of tune, but boleh faham 37%, ha I correct about people throwing away old clothes, or whatever?

    My wife has a very good friend, very rich, dia selaly beli designer jeans, pakai dua, tiga kali she gives my wife, ha ha...sometimes she pakai only once, and tidak mau lagi...and my wife happy pakai ni at home.
    Wearing designer at home, ha ha.

    Saya nak start my next posting, something funny and interesting I saw yesterday.
    Be seeing you.
    Stay beautiful.

  5. been there, done that.

    apa yg saya boleh cakap, sabar bnyk2 yer.

    and yes, kita blh positifkan smua perkara yang menyakitkan hati kalau kita mahu. tepuk dada tanya hati.

    i dulu lagi 2 bulan nak kawin putus.

    barang2 hantaran, ada yg i pakai and ada yg i bg dkat org.

    baju nikah, bunga telur, set cadar, door gift, paper bag, bunga manggar: tu smua i bg dkat kwn2 yg nk kawin.

    kalau kita tak jadi kawin, apa salahnya kita tolong org2 lain kawin kan?


  6. PCL
    Salam singgah. Nanti sy ziarah ;)

    Uncle lee
    I suka hati baca you punya komen. So darn cute. Haha. Tak apa. I belajar good2 english when i read your entry. Hihi. Thanks. Cant wait 4 ur nxt n3 ;)

    Miss D
    2bulan? Wooo.. Sy ada pngalaman kwn2.. 2bulan nk kawen n the guy call it off. The parents dtg rumah my friend and intend nk bayar the gantirugi. But the bapak xmau amek pon. Coz after 6yrs u kwn with my doter.. U keje tmpat bru u jmpa awek bru then u dumped my doter.. Wat the hal la kan? Mind my ohmaienglish. Heh.

  7. Hi Alis, just dropped by say hello.
    What's for breakfast tomorrow? Nasi lema, dua telor? Magee mee? Ha ha.
    Have a nice day.

  8. alis,

    pity to ur fren. but for me, its better to call it off. drpada lpas kawin dduk mkn hati sorg2 sbb husband duk sbuk bercinta dgn org lain. nk lawan x blh dah sbb dah jadi wife. baik kita happy2 enjoy sngle life. smntara tnggu the right person dtg at the right time.

    and believe me, he will come!!

  9. hi uncle lee

    hihi... I have roti canai kuah banjir this sunday morning, yummeh!

    miss D
    thanks miss d.. itu yg sy dok fikir slama ni.. belum mahu berputus asa lagi, hihi~!


dah jumpa rusuk kiri kalian? :)